Thursday, April 25, 2013

Introduction...What You Don't Already Know.

Other than my profile introduction, this is kind of a....continuation. An introduction to the place I'm going and the places I'm from.

My name is Renee Meister and I am a junior, nearly senior, at a Midwestern college. I am a Psychology major and minor in Counseling and Human Services. I am a cashier at a store until I have a license and find a better job! :) I am an intern at Cincinnati Children's Hospital as well and I love it!

My fiance and I have been together just over 4 years as of this past Valentine's Day. I love to read, write, listen to and play music, and watch movies. Music is my life; I wouldn't be myself without it. We also enjoy disc golfing at our local courses.
I have a lot of different interests and haven't completely decided what my path in life is going to be other than that it will be by my fiance, Adam's, side. I am super lucky to have someone who supports me and loves me no matter what; sorry, I'm done mooning now! <3

So! I am going to London this summer from July to August. We received our syllabus two weeks ago and I am already scared! I haven't taken an English class since last spring, so I'm a bit worried about how I'm going to do on these papers. It takes time and effort but it will be worth it. The class I'm taking is...well, I haven't told you much about me, but it's my favorite dream that I've always wanted to fulfill. I'm taking an "Appeal of Harry Potter" class and I will get to go to the Warner Bro.'s Studio Tour and I can't WAIT!

There's my introduction. Go ahead and introduce yourself, if you want. Any tips? Go ahead and comment!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Renee,

    My name is Samantha Lewis. Im a senior at NKU (of course yo know this) but I love reading people blogs. I blog also but not as frequently anymore cuz no one reads them really. But I am goin to follow you so I can pretned I am in London with you (somehow) so keep writing and I will keep reading. You are a wonderful girl with a good heart. Lets conquer the world. Bwhahahahahahahahah!!!! lol
